Associate professor (docent). Ph.D. Petr Stastny
Charles University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Temat prezentacji: Development of ice hockey general and specific conditions during growth and maturation
Biomechanics of resistance training, unilateral and antagonist resistance training, resistance training methods, reducing muscle imbalances, research in ice hockey
Doświadczenie sportowo - praktyczne
Testing of high cohorts of sub-elite and elite athletes for strength and specific conditions, strength coach and methodologist for ice-hockey players
Przebieg kariery naukowej / sportowej
- Ph.D. in sport biomechanics of ice hockey, Postdoctoral grant for muscle pattern during resistance exercises and unilateral loading, Habilitation on resistance training protocols
- Professor of Sport and Exercise Training
- 3x academic champion in Czech ice hockey, Strength and Conditioning coach Hockey club Kladno, Methodical advisor for condition in Czech ice hockey association.
Najważniejsze publikacje naukowe
- Stastny, P., Musalek, M., Roczniok, R., Cleather, D., Novak, D., & Vagner, M. (2023). Testing distance characteristics and reference values for ice-hockey straight sprint speed and acceleration. A systematic review and meta-analyses. Biology of Sport, 40(3), 899-918.
- Stronska, K., Golas, A., Wilk, M., Zajac, A., Maszczyk, A., & Stastny, P. (2020). The effect of targeted resistance training on bench press performance and the alternation of prime mover muscle activation patterns. Sports Biomechanics, 21(10), 1262-1276.
- Stastny, P., Kubovy, P., Lopot, F., & Jelen, K. (2019). U.S. Patent No. 10,500,463. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- Stastny, P., Lehnert, M., Croix, M. D. S., Petr, M., Svoboda, Z., Maixnerova, E., ... & Cieszczyk, P. (2019). Effect of COL5A1, GDF5, and PPARA genes on a movement screen and neuromuscular performance in adolescent team sport athletes. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 33(8), 2057-2065.
- Stastny, P., Tufano, J. J., Golas, A., & Petr, M. (2016). Strengthening the gluteus medius using various bodyweight and resistance exercises. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 38(3), 91.